
Plain Particle Board

Particle board, a versatile engineered wood product, has gained widespread popularity in various industries for its affordability, adaptability, and eco-friendly characteristics. In this article, we delve into the world of particle board, exploring its composition, applications, benefits, and environmental considerations.
Particle board, a versatile engineered wood product, has gained widespread popularity in various industries for its affordability, adaptability, and eco-friendly characteristics. In this article, we delve into the world of particle board, exploring its composition, applications, benefits, and environmental considerations.


Particle board, also known as chipboard, consists of wood particles, such as wood chips, sawmill shavings, or sawdust, bound together using adhesive resins. These wood particles are compressed and heated to form dense panels of varying thicknesses. The result is a sturdy and economical alternative to solid wood.


Particle board finds extensive use in construction, furniture manufacturing, and interior design. In construction, it's commonly employed for subflooring and roofing due to its structural integrity. In furniture making, particle board serves as a cost-effective core material for items like cabinets, shelves, and tables. Its smooth surface also makes it a favored choice for laminated countertops. In interior design, it can be used for wall paneling and decorative surfaces.


Particle board, also known as chipboard, consists of wood particles, such as wood chips, sawmill shavings, or sawdust, bound together using adhesive resins. These wood particles are compressed and heated to form dense panels of varying thicknesses. The result is a sturdy and economical alternative to solid wood.


Particle board finds extensive use in construction, furniture manufacturing, and interior design. In construction, it's commonly employed for subflooring and roofing due to its structural integrity. In furniture making, particle board serves as a cost-effective core material for items like cabinets, shelves, and tables. Its smooth surface also makes it a favored choice for laminated countertops. In interior design, it can be used for wall paneling and decorative surfaces.

Key Features


Eco Mark Standard

Super Quality

Excellent Bonding

Key Features


Eco Mark Standard

Super Quality

Excellent Bonding

Application of Particle Board






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At Relay Particle, our Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide and shape the behavior, culture.

  1. Integrity:

    Upholding honesty, ethics, and moral principles in all actions and decisions.

  2. Respect:

    Valuing and treating all individuals with dignity, empathy, and consideration, regardless of differences.

  3. Accountability:

    Taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions, both personally and professionally.

  4. Excellence:

    Striving for the highest quality, performance, and continuous improvement in all endeavors.

  5. Innovation:

    Encouraging creativity, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change and new ideas.

  6. Teamwork: Fostering collaboration, cooperation, and a sense of unity among team members.tion and decision-making processes.

At RELAY PARTICLE, our mission is to be the premier particle board manufacturer, dedicated to crafting high-quality, sustainable, and innovative solutions that empower our customers to build, create, and design with confidence.

Our mission at RELAY PARTICLE encompasses the following key principles.

Quality Excellence, Sustainability, Innovation, Customer Empowerment, Collaborative Partnerships, Continuous Improvement, Global Impact.

At RELAY PARTICLE, our mission is more than just words; it's a daily commitment that guides our actions. We believe that by staying true to these principles, we can help shape a better, more sustainable future while delivering exceptional value to our customers and partners. Together, we build with purpose and passion.

At RELAY PARTICLE, we envision a future where our particle boards become synonymous with innovation, sustainability, and excellence. Our unwavering commitment to these principles drives us to lead the particle board industry to new heights, setting the benchmark for quality and eco-conscious practices.

Our vision at RELAY PARTICLE is to:

Lead the Industry, Innovate for Tomorrow, Promote Sustainability, Empower Our Partners, Cultivate Excellence, Global Reach.

Our vision is not just a statement but a commitment to a brighter future for our company, our customers, and the world. It guides our decisions, inspires our actions, and fuels our determination to be the best in the particle board manufacturing industry. Together, we will build a sustainable and innovative tomorrow.